Wellcome to the school of management in jiangsu university

“Helping Each Other Program” of School of Management

Published Time:2017-11-30 Views No.:

“Let’s speak Chinese”, “Let’s speak English”. These were the exciting voices of the two language exchangers from school of management when they were matched in the office of International Education Center (IEC), School of Management. Language exchangers laughed to each other and even gave a warm hug to each other to show their enthusiasm of language learning, even though it was the first time they met.

On one side, with the increasing number of international students every year, School of Management has realized the urgency of helping them blend into the local life, providing ways to help them learn Chinese language and culture; on the other hand, students of 1+2+1 Sino-American Business Administration Program in School of Management were eager to improve their English as they would go to an university in America for the second and third year study after they finished the first year study in JSU. Both sides had the demand of language learning, however, they got no way to know each other. IEC bridged the information gap between these two groups of language learners by a careful match which was called "helping each other program". Now both sides had their language exchanging partners, making friends, and most importantly, learning language from each other.

IEC also designed language exchanging record cards to language exchangers, letting them to sign for their partners after each interaction. This brought competition to the language exchanging game, which made the language exchange more interesting. After all, when it came to competition, no one would like to fall behind.

“We really hope this kind of match could promote the mutual learning between the partners, not only in language learning but also in culture sharing. It would contribute to the culture diversity in School of Management, we really expect that.” said Dr. Owen, the deputy director of IEC.

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Design and development:School of Management